Google, tata extremely vicious in slandering indian paypal account holders

To destroy competition, acquire talent and technology cheaply google, tata are allegedly extremely dishonest and vicious in slandering harmless indian paypal account holders, bribing local intelligence and security agency employees to stalk, defame and torture them all over india . Few can imagine the extreme dishonesty of the tata , google and other indian internet companies in making up fake stories defaming harmless indian paypal account holders and falsely claiming that goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds are online experts.
The google, tata employees are extremely convincing, confident and charming frauds, duping a large number of people, companies and countries that goan sex workers and other frauds are online experts, domain investors when none of these women have done any work online at all and are least interested in doing any work online in future also.
This extremely unethical behaviour of google, tata and others in slandering harmless indian citizens, wasting indian tax payer money, should be known worldwide , so that others are not duped

J&K police file an FIR against the army for killing

Though the mainstream media does not usually carry any negative news about the government, because they get a lot of advertisements, a newspaper in Goa reported that an FIR had been filed against the army for killing a civilian in Jammu and Kashmir. Earlier the army had boasted that it had killed an intruder , however it was later found that a civilian Shawkat Hussain had been killed, indicating that the army and security agency employees are quick to label any person as intruder, Pakistani agent and attack the person, without verifying whether the information that they have is correct.
Only after the death of the person, an investigation is conducted to analyze the victim, and then the mistake of the army employee is discovered. The army employee will get his salary, pension, the life of an innocent citizen is lost. In Jammu & Kashmir, the police are reporting to the local government of Mehbooba Mufti, which is well known for considering the grievances of the Kashmiris , however in other states, few will register complaints against central government employees for their atrocities.

Indian men think that molesting, sexually exploiting women is their birthright

The molestation of the malyali actress bhavana again highlighted the fact that indian men think that molesting, sexually exploiting a woman is their birthright, however wealthy or high profile she may be. The drivers and their associates who molested the actress may be inspired by the google, tata, NTRO, CBI, security agency employees who have sexually harassed a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor for more than 7 years wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money.
Led by the fraud ntro employee puneet, these officials are threatening to file fake cases against the harmless engineer, if she does not allow them to falsely claim that their sex partners and relatives , lazy frauds are doing work online.
The woman has not broken any rule at all, and if the NTRO, CBI, and other government employees were really honest, they would leave her alone. However these government employees want to enjoy free sex, so they are defaming the domain investor as an idle fool and falsely claiming that their sex partner R&AW employees, lazy fraud friends and relatives are doing the work online, to get a salary and great powers.
If extremely powerful CBI, NTRO and government employees treat educated women so badly and think that getting sex bribes is their birthright, how can indian women to expect less educated men like drivers to behave properly . Sunil, Robin and other 5 men molesting the malayali actress bhavana are probably inspired by the powerful google, tata, cbi, ntro and other government employees falsely promoting goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi as online experts because they offer sex bribes.
How are these google, tata, cbi, ntro and security agency employees promoting call girls, nayanshree associates sexually harassing single women different from the drivers Sunil, Robin and other 5 men molesting the 30 year old malayali actress Bhavana

Google bribes indian government employees to hold competitors as virtual prisoners

In most countries like France and Indonesia, the government is imposing penalties on google for tax evasion, monopolies and violating other laws, while in India, the indian government is wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money to hold harmless google competitors as virtual prisoners to increase the profit of google greatly. The extremely dishonest corrupt fraud Indian intelligence and security agencies are making completely fake allegations without any proof at all, against a harmless google competitor for more than 6 years, to divert and steal all her correspondence without a court order or legally valid reason.
The google competitor, a harmless domain investor finds that all her leads, orders are stolen, by indian intelligence and security agencies who have been bribed by google to do so, falsely claiming national security , and she is unable to communicate with anyone .
So though there are no physical restrictions on her activities, the engineer and google competitor is held a virtual prisoner, as she cannot communicate with anyone else freely as her correspondence is diverted to the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE, yet are faking a btech 1993 ee degree to get a monthly indian government salary.

Was Google responsible for arrest of Anubhav Mittal,

Google is ruthless in ensuring that the entire online marketing budget of any business owner, is spent only on Google adwords and in India it has been allegedly ruthless in destroying competition with the help of powerful corrupt officials in Indian intelligence and security agencies. At first glance, the model appears to be perfectly legitimate, as there are a large number of paid to click, paid to like and similar GPT, PTC websites worldwide for more than 15 years, and they are known to be competing with google adwords.

Ultimately google adwords and have the same aim, increasing the number of visitors to a particular website. For many keywords, the price of a visitor from google will be more than the Rs 10, allegedly charged by for a facebook like. Instead of spending their money on Google adwords, only to get nothing in return (other than visitors to their website), small business owners may have preferred, where they are paid daily, getting website visitors, and also getting their money back after a year (according to the investors, documents).

So the cunning google employees or their associates allegedly had two investors file a complaint and the national media cover the fraud in great detail, to ruin the reputation of the company, owner forever as few people will invest money in future in a company that has negative media reports. Whether could afford to pay all the investors the money promised can be confirmed only after checking the financial records of the company, however at first glance, it appears that a large number of companies are using the same business model for social media marketing worldwide , except for the initial investment required by

Unlike ED, NTRO extremely liberal regarding love affairs of their employees

The newspapers reported that Manoj Kumar, assistant director of ED was suspended when photos and videos of him with the wife Subhra Kundu , wife of Rose Valley scam accused Gautum Kundu in hotel were made available. However it appears that only ED is strict about the love affairs of their employees and is taking action against them.
Senior NTRO employees are openly involved in a sex scandal which has become world famous, and these ntro, cbi employees are falsely claiming that the women who are having sex with them, or their well connected girlfriends who never answered JEE, were their btech 1993 ee classmate to get their girlfriends, sex partners, lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs . The news of the sex fraud has been published worldwide, however the ntro officials are turning a blind eye to the sex, resume theft fraud which has continued for more than 7 years.

Unlike ED, NTRO is least bothered about their reputation, and tolerates the endless sex, cheating frauds of their employees and no action is taken against their employees who continue with their lies and torrid love affairs, abusing their powers to destroy the life of harmless indian citizens.

Living Close to My Parents Again is Great

I was so happy when my parents moved back to Forestville. I had wanted to move there myself because it is where I was the happiest in all my life, but I knew that I would have a hard time there by myself. When my mom told me they were going to retire there, I immediately started to look at apartments in Forestville MD because I wanted to be there with them. I knew that I needed my own place though because I have a four year old son, which is why I needed to be close to someone who could help me with him.

Prior to moving there, I had lived in Pennsylvania close to my aunt and uncle, who had helped me with him. There is no one quite like Mom and Dad though, and they were just as thrilled as I was that I was going to be moving closer to them too.

Sexual exploitation of women rampant in the indian internet sector

Large internet companies like google, tata and NTRO employees like puneet, j srinivasan, vijay are largely responsible for the rampant sexual exploitation of women in the indian internet sector. Google, tata, NTRO, CBI, R&AW employees for the last 7 years are involved in a major sex, cheating online fraud falsely claiming that goan call girls having sex with them, well connected cheater housewives and other frauds are online experts, domain investors to get all these frauds lucrative R&AW, CBI, indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor, paypal account holder who has to do all the work, spend all the money and is getting nothing.
For example NTRO employees have given great powers to the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud call girl R&AW employee diploma holder siddhi mandrekar falsely claimind that siddhi, the goan gsb fraud is an online expert and domain investor (owning this website) when actually the goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar does not do any work online at all, and does not invest any money online on domain names and websites at all. Her social media postings also indicate that she is spending all her free time enjoying herself at picnics, pubs, nightclubs in goa and elsewhere.However the goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar has powerful relatives, friends and sex partners in NTRO, CBI, security agencies who are shamelessly abusing their powers to make completely fake claims that siddhi, their sex partner is doing work online, to give the goan gsb fraud siddhi a monthly R&AW salary and great powers like stealing all the correspondence of the real domain investor.
Thus because the goan gsb fraud diploma holder R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar is offering SEX Bribes to top intelligence and security agency officials she has got great powers in the indian internet sector, intelligence agencies , though she has no experience, no investment online or offline, while the real domain investor, obc single woman engineer impersonated by siddhi and 9 other indian intelligence employees has not got anything despite spending a large amount of time and money, because all posts are reserved for the sex partners, relatives and friends of top indian intelligence and security agency officials. Women who are not married and do not offer sex bribes to indian government employees are systematically denied the income and opportunities they deserved in the indian internet sector, despite spending a lot of time and money.