For 9 years panaji LIAR FRAUD security agency employee caro has not got any evidence, yet his greedy lazy wife ROBBER riddhi steals engineers correspondence to make Rs 25 lakh annually
Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR defaming the innocent person, and the person being defamed has the right to take legal action against the person making fake allegations without any proof at all, also file a criminal case
Yet in a massive fraud masterminded by google, tata, panaji LIAR FRAUD security agency employee goan gsb crook caro along with his relatives nayak, mandrekar have been making fake allegations without any proof at all against a harmless single woman engineer for the last 9 years so that their lazy greedy inexperienced fraud relatives like caro’s lazy greedy wife riddhi who looks like actress kangana ranaut, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar can ROB almost all the correspondence of the engineer without a legally valid reason, running a extortion racket and also get a monthly raw/cbi salary falsely claiming to have the identity of the engineer
The goan officials are clearly defaming the engineer without proof and she can now file a criminal case against the goand frauds caro, mandrekar, nayak, riddhi caro, siddhi mandrekar for robbing her correspondence without a legally valid reason and falsely claiming to own her bank account
If anyone has heard the goan security agency employees make any allegation against the domain investor, and can get a recording, please contact on skype, so that a criminal and civil defamation case can be filed against these government employees
Looking for proof to file a criminal defamation case against government employees caro, nayak, mandrekar, riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar
Domain investor is looking for proof to file a criminal and civil defamation case against government employees caro, nayak, mandrekar, riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar who are making fake allegations without any proof at all, to divert and steal her correspondence, causing great losses, ruining her reputation.
These officials have defamed the engineer for more than 9 years, and to prevent further defamation, the engineer is forced to consider filing a criminal defamation case against these officials