For example the indore housewife bespectacled veena (who looks like actress deepika padukone ) stole the documents of her relative, an experienced engineer, google competitor, domain investor and google, tata rewarded for her crime under section 378 of the indian penal code with a R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore document robber had the impressive resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of her victim.
The indian government is also falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored document robber indore housewife , who has invested only in gold and land, and has never invested a single paisa in domain names and has almost no bank, post office savings,, owns the domain names , bank savings and post office savings of the google competitor, single woman engineer, domain investor because google,tata are supporting veena in her criminal activities, veena , her husband, and associates like the other indore fraud deepika have bribed the top R&AW/cbi , security agency officials to abuse their powers and make fake claims
Stealing the documents of another person is a crime under the indian penal code, however when large indian companies like google, tata are rewarding housewives and others like veena for stealing the bank savings documents of their relatives with R&AW/cbi jobs , then it is better to invest some money in mutual funds where the theft of documents does not matter so much