Zilingo founder Ankiti Bose files a Rs 820 crore defamation case against angel investor Mahesh Murthy for his article in Outlook Business

According to media reports Zilingo founder Ankiti Bose filed a Rs 820 crore defamation case against angel investor Mahesh Murthy for his article in Outlook Business allegedly criticizing her. Though Ankiti Bose was not name, she is claiming that she was defamed when Murthy made allegations that she took Rs 70 crore from venture capitalists Sequioa for her lawyers, and got the lawyers to pay a large part of the money to her as commission.
Murthy also claimed that the dishonesty of the startup founders was making it difficult for venture capitalists to invest money in india, In reality it is the dishonesty of the government employees which is creating problems. For example though kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil and her powerful lovers /boyfriends working in indian government agencies tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha , puneet have never paid any money for domains, do not have any online income, the government employees are abusing their powers and making fake claims about domain ownership, online income to pay the kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
There are a large number of other lazy greedy FRAUD raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan call girl raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, haryana gurugram fraud mba hr ruchita kinge , indore housewife robber raw employee deepika/veena who are also faking domain ownership, online income and getting monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

When government corruption levels in india are so high, that only dishonest people can flourish in india, why blame the startups. Honest online busines owners in india like the domain investor are falsely labelled a security threat to steal all their correspondence without a legally valid reason since 2010

Help required to end correspondence theft of single woman engineer by goa government agencies, goan government employees without a legally valid reason

Greedy goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan does not have a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay , she does not invest money in domains and does not have any online income, so why is the indian, goan government giving her great powers ROBBING the correspondence of the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer,private citizen to the lazy greedy goan bhandari fraud raw employee sunaina chodan who HATES the single woman engineer, criminally defames her along with her fraud relatives led by CHEATER chodankar
The goa 1989 jee topper had left goa more than 14 months ago, now she is just a real estate investor, yet in a clear case of human rights abuses, goa government continues to rob the correspondence of the harmless single woman engineer without a legally valid reason and divert the correspondence of the single woman engineer to greedy goan raw/cbi employees allegedly Greedy goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan who are running an impersonation and extortion racket, demanding bribes from anyone wishing to contact the goa 1989 je topper
Usually there is no legal reason why the correspondence of a harmless private citizen should be diverted and robbed, yet the goa government has been doing so since 2012, and even when the engineer has left goa, the correspondence diversion and theft continues for more than one year, isolating the single woman engineer and causing great financial losses.
Anyone who help end the correspondence theft of the single woman engineer by goa government agencies, goan employees , please send email to info@blogposts.in

Legal help required to end BANKING FRAUD of raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own bank account of private citizen

R&AW/cbi continue their BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY of the domain investor making FAKE CLAIMS about their lazy greedy employees with no online income while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the victims hardworking private citizens from poorer communities

Before LIAR indian government agencies, tech and internet companies comment on the low income of the domain investor,engineer they should explain why indian governmnent agencies like R&AW/cbi are continuing with their CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, BANKING FRAUD and government SLAVERY of the domain investor, engineer, falsely claiming that their LAZY GREEDY FRAUD employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro,kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshreee, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan who do no computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a private citizen, single woman engineer,private citizen who their lazy greedy FRAUD employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her husband CHEATER caro working in security agencies HATE,CRIMINALLY DEFAME
These GREEDY FRAUD raw/cbi employes refuse to legally open their own paypal, bank account, rely CRIMINAL DEFAME hardworking single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper, obc bhandari single woman engineer to falsely claim to own her bank account and get a monthly government salary
To cover up the massive BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY, the pathological LIAR raw/cbi employees are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer, falsely claiming that her domains, bank account, savings belong to the government employees who HATE her, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay, when there is no connection at all, the government employees have never helped the single woman in any way
While raw /cbi have been closely monitoring the single woman engineer, government SLAVERY victim for more than 13 years wasting crores of taxpayer money, these CORRUPT LIAR indian government agencies refuse to track the location, activities of their LAZY GREEDY FRAUD employees who are paid a monthly government salary for FAKING bank account, domain ownership since 2010 in a major CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION RACKET for banking, financial fraud
Legal help required to end the banking fraud, cybercrime of raw/cbi employees on the domain investor since 2010 to get a monthly government salary, please contact info@blogposts.in , please note greedy goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan is not associated with the website in any way