The Island of Singapore Will Soon Have Two More Citizens

When the doctor told us that we should prepare to be parents, I was surprised. We thought that there was no way for us to get pregnant. When the doctor told us that it was twins, I was too surprised to even be able to stand up. I was filled with joy and concern all at the same time. The rush of feeling was wonderful and strange at the same moment. I cannot even adequately describe it. My wife’s first words were about us needing a new place to live. I had a PARC Life brochure in my pocket, and we were considering the time to completion of that project along with the due date for our children.

We were going to have to go from a one bedroom condo to a three bedroom unit pretty much overnight. We had to make sure that we stuck to getting a place that was well within our housing budget, but we did need the three bedrooms.

Justice delayed is justice denied


The harmless google competitor, domain investor and obc bhandari single woman engineer has been defamed, cheated, exploited and tortured for more than 7 years, and has not got any help to end the torture, exploitation despite complaining loudly, her retirement savings stolen without a court order or legally valid reason.

She has wasted 7 years of her life, trying to get justice and is not likely to forgive or forget the indian government, google, tata employees who are responsible for all the atrocities on a harmless citizen, great pain which she has endured.

So the longer it takes to end the torture, human rights abuses, to retrieve her savings, the less likely the engineer is to forget everything and not demand compensation for the pain she endured

Fraud goan, google, tata, NTRO, CBI employees making a virtue out of necessity to cheat, EXPLOIT domain investor, google competitor

In 2010-2011, the intelligence and security agencies were able to defame, frame a domain investor and google competitor to some extent, because she was not aware of the harassment methods taught to these government employees. After 2012, the domain investor is largely aware of the methods used by indian intelligence and security agencies to frame their victims of organized stalking, and no one has been able to frame her. Also in 2010-2011, the fraud ntro employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, falsely claiming to HELP, were rewarding all those defaming without any proof the engineer, domain investor, without allowing the domain investor the opportunity to defend herself or checking if the person defaming had any legally valid proof.

In goa alson, the officials have tried very hard to defame, and frame her to force her to agre to identity theft, wasting a lot of time and indian tax payer money for more than 5 years, because google, tata have rewarded them with R&AW/CBI jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy relatives and friends, like riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina , veena, nayanshree hathwar and others. In Mumbai, the domain investor was stalked only for 2010-2011, in goa the stalking has continued for more than 5 years in a clear indication of the viciousness of officials in goa

However they are unable to frame her, because now the domain investor and google competitor is aware of the methods used for framing innocent people, and takes precautions to avoid being framed like not visiting malls . So like in period till 2010, there are no fake cases, or framing after 2012 as the domain investor and google competitor is a harmless indian citizen who has not harmed or cheated anyone, and can easily prove the same without any help from the indian intelligence and security agencies. The fraud ntro employees like parmar, puneet, j srinivasan, vijay and others have also stopped their ‘FAKE HELP’ so anyone who makes fake allegations will have to directly interact with the engineer, who can easily file a counter case of defamation, extortion against those defaming her .

The goan gsb fraud mafia, google, tata , ntro, cbi employees and other officials tried very hard since 2010 to frame the obc bhandari engineer, domain investor and when they are unable to do so due to lack of evidence, the cunning goan gsb fraud mafia, and others are trying to make a VIRTUE OF NECESSITY and are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy shameless cheater relatives and friends like obc bhandari sex worker sunaina, goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar,gujju housewife naina, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, greedy extortionists should get credit and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor, who is getting nothing.

This clearly indicates how brilliant frauds the mainly brahmin NTRO, CBI, google, tata employees are, wasting crores of indian tax payer money annually since 2010, trying to frame, defame a harmless single woman obc bhandari engineer, and when they are unable to find any legally valid evidence, they still want to give their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives, friends and sex partners like obc bhandari sex worker sunaina, goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar,gujju housewife naina, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, indore fraud veena, credit and a monthly R&AW/CBI salary at the expense of the harmless innocent domain investor and obc bhandari engineer who is getting nothing

A truly brilliant and evil fraud of the brahmin NTRO, CBI, google, tata employees who do not have the courage and honesty to face the domain investor, obc bhandari engineer and justify their defamation, cheating and exploitation in one of the greatest online, financial domain frauds in indian history